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  • Analogue - devices which record data linearly from one point to another. Analogue devices read the physical data off the media.
  • Digital - devices which perform all calculations using one or zeros. 
  • Sector - An area that is distinct from others.
  • Platform - A high platform that people or things can stand on. 
  • Product - A object that is manufactured.
  • Device - Something made for a particular purpose. 
  • Cross Media Synergy - Two or more products being released at the same time.
  • Encoding - an area that is surrounded by a barrier.
  • Technological Convergence - Media technological convergence is the tendency that as technology changes, different technological system sometimes evolve toward performing similar tasks
  • Pre-production - work done on a product, especially a film or broadcast programme, before full-scale production begins
  • Production - the action of making or manufacturing from components or raw materials, or the process of being so manufactured.
  • Post-production -work done on a film or recording after filming or recording has taken place.
  • Distribution -the action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
  • Exhibition - a public display of works of art or items of interest, held in an art gallery or museum or at a trade fair.
  • Access - the means or opportunity to approach or enter a place.
  • Immediacy - the quality of bringing one into direct and instant involvement with something, giving rise to a sense of urgency or excitement.
  • Portability -the ability to be easily carried or moved.
  • Convenience - the state of being able to proceed with something without difficulty.
  • Interactivity -the process of two people or things working together and influencing each other.
  • Personalisation -meeting the customer's needs more effectively
  • Connectivity - the state of being connected or interconnected.    
  • Individual Consumption- When users engage with a digital media product on their own, for solo enjoyment (i.e. reader, gamer, consumer, DVD, viewer, social networking)
  • Group Consumption- When users engage with a digital media product with others, for collective enjoyment (i.e. social interaction, competition, belonging, sharing.
  • Passive- We blindly accept what we are given/told etc.
  • Active- We have a choice. We choose to consume a media text to fulfil our own needs.
  •  Primary research- research that is conducted first hand (questionnaires)
  • Secondary research- 'second hand' research conducted by using existing primary research information (books)
  • Quantitative research- to measure responses in quantifiable terms (how much/how many) using numerical data.
  • Qualitative research- measure individual opinions, attitudes, behaviour and the psychology behind the choices people make.
  • Objective questions-
  • Subjective questions- 


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