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Initial Idea for a new film magazine

1. Research current film magazine.
2. Conduct research on what is in the magazine;
  • Features 
  • Reviews
  • Interviews 
  • Contest 
Keep a log on all your research.
Total Film wrote a lot about the newest and most popular film of that time AVATAR. They used seven pages of the magazine to speak about the film and their opinion on it, by added interview questions and quotations from the actors themselves. They also used many pictures of sense from the movie and the actors.
Im planning to start my own film magazine and to do this I must learn and research existing film magazines. Im going to view the Lay out  and what sort of content they use to speak about the film. This is so I can get the hang of come how to approach my own film magazine. 

Total Film Magazine was first issued on February 1997 to review, and feature cinema, DVD and blu-ray films for readers. The purpose of this magazine is to let there audience learns and have an understanding of current, past and future films. 

I will be reviewing Total Film magazine which was released in January of 2010. When I first looked at the magazine I first notice the big bold in the background of the lead actor in avatar they also had AVATAR bold and centred in the front of  the magazine. I automatically realised that the magazine will be talking about the Avatar. I also noticed the three movie titles at the top on the magazine which meant I would be finding out about those movies. he magazine also used a lot of subtitles and rhetorical questions to entice the reader to g past the front page. Image result for Total FilmAs I was flicking through the pages I noticed that the magazine company printed the magazine with two main topic which are named 'Buzz', 'Screen' and 'Lounge'. In the topic Buzz the magazine speaks about all the films that have been very popular whether its future or past films. They also use this segment of the magazine to talk about pacific actors and style of filming. In their Screen segment they speak about the newest films and also films that haven't come out as yet and give them a star rating out on 5. Lounge is a part int he magazine where the writers speak about films that will be going on to DVD/BLU-RAY. In this segment ent of the magazine they give the price of the film and rate the 'film' and 'extras' by 5 stars.   They also let the reader know when it was released or will be and a brief overview of the film. I wasn't really surprised that the magazine spoke so much on the movie since there used a picture from the film on their front cover.

Empire was first issued July 1989 by Bauer Consumer, since then Empire has become one of the highest selling British film magazine to be sold in the United Kingdom. Empire is also sold in the United States, Australia, Turkey, Russia, Italy and Portugal.

I will be reviewing one of Empire magazine which was released in November 2011. When I first look at the magazine cover I first notice the bold red EMPIRE logo, this is very noticeable even though a character is standing in front. At the top of the magazine the have written a slogan 'THE WORLD'S BIGGEST MOVIE MAGAZINE' this implies how good there magazine  is.  They have added 5 little words that like to film names and actors this gives me an idea of what will be found in the magazine. The magazines main attention on the front cover is the film THE GIRL WITH THE DRAGON TATTOO they have put this in bold text and added a picture of the actors from the film.Image result for empire magazine 2011As I was flipping through the magazine I noticed the magazine has 3 main topics ' The Slate', 'In Cinema' and 'Re View'. In the The Slate section the empire speaks actors and film reviews, they don't only talk about new films they also bring up old film also. This part of the magazine is very interesting because it is full of information and pictures. The In Cinema segment speaks about new films their information such as released date, cast, director and plot. They also speak about the person review on the film and how many stars out of 5 it is.The Re View section covers Blu-ray and dvd news and releases including soundtracks from films and books. In the middle of the magazine I also found a six page review on the The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. This didn't come as a shock to me since the main focus of the cover was The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo.  

Questionnaire on my Film Magazine

  1. Would you like to see different film genres or just the most popular films?
  2. What film genres interest you?
  3. Should my magazine include interviews?
  4. What makes an magazine boring?
  5. What makes an magazine interesting?
  6. How freqent should the magazine be released?
  7. What attracts you to buy a magazine?
  8. How much money would you spend on a magazine?
  9.  Would you rather physical or digital copies of a magazine?

The purpose of my film magazine is to get people between the ages of 10-35 interested in the newest films that are coming out. My magazine will contain reviews, interviews and games to get the reader interactive. I want my magazine to be fun, full of pictures and content so it makes the customers want to watch the movie and buy my magazine monthly.


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Questionnaire on my Film Magazine Would you like to see different film genres or just the most popular films? What film genres interest you? Should my magazine include interviews? What makes an magazine boring? What makes an magazine interesting? How freqent should the magazine be released? What attracts you to buy a magazine? How much money would you spend on a magazine?  Would you rather physical or digital copies of a magazine?
The purpose of my film magazine is aimed for people between the age of 10-35 this is to get them interested in the newest films that are coming out. My magazine will contain reviews, interviews and games to get the reader interested and wanting to buy the magazine every month.